International Litigation SupportHPS Process Service & Investigations, Inc. partners with another Kansas City based company to provide international litigation support. We have considerable experience in administering service of process worldwide. HPS does not, however, represent ourselves to be legal counsel in the area of international service of process nor do we guarantee the performance of foreign bureaucrats.

HPS shall not be held liable for service which is quashed due to improper or incomplete documentation supplied by the client, incorrect address for the party to be served or defects to form. In the event service of process is determined to be improper for any reason, occasioned by the acts of omissions of HPS, the attorney is entitled to a refund of all charges for those particular services. HPS shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages.

Please note that clients of HPS shall treat all information regarding HPS prices, procedures or contacts confidential. Specifically, such information shall not be released to competitors or other parties. If the job is subsequently cancelled or put on hold, “Your Firm” will be responsible for any costs that have been incurred by HPS.

Get started today. Download our Letter to Initiate Work and a copy of the International Service Agreement .